Saturday, September 5, 2009

Food quality and fat loss

You are what you eat. You've heard that one before. Let's take a look at your food diary again and see what kind of food you eat. Is it processed and stripped of nutrients? If it is the case, you will digest it quickly and be hungry again soon. Your body seeks more than calories, it seeks nutrition. And most over processed foods are devoided of nutrition. Moreover, they are full of preservatives and coloring. The kind of stuff that should not be in your body.

You should choose foods that are as close as possible to the real thing. Go for chicken, not the cold cuts fake chicken. And fruits are better fresh, not dried. Take a good look at your food and what can be improved on in terms of quality. Even if you only subsitute one item for now. It is a step in the right direction. Feed your body well and it will thank you for it. If you are what you eat, do you wonder why you feel like garbage?

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