Sunday, October 4, 2009

I this the new face of malnutrition?

Do you remember the UNICEF ads of the 80s? We were urged to send money to help feed a malnourished kid. Do you remember the images? I was a child with a belly. That was the image of being malnourished. And our donations were to go toward getting them good food.

Fast forward to today. And walk down your street. You will soon see the new face of malnutrition, obese adults and kids. They probably eat too much of the wrong things. Which are foods that give a lot of calories and very little nutrition. Thus, their bodies send them for more food, in search of the missing nutrients. Now I understand that we don’t have the same genes, some of us got lucky. And if your genes tend to keep you well insulated, it is the hand you were dealt. Now, how are you going to play the game?

Nutrition is more than counting calories. You’ll get proper nutrition by making wiser food choices. If you are in the habit of writing a food diary, try to change one processed food for a wholesome one. And gradually work your way out of the nutrition-less foods. Eat a variety of fresh and wholesome foods. It will give your body the vitamins, nutrients and minerals it needs. Treat your body right and it will return the favour.

Eating garbage food and taking a multi-vitamin won’t cut it. It is the equivalent of building a house with rotten wood and using gold nails.

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