Monday, November 23, 2009

Is there anything harder than losing weight?

For a lot of North Americans, it seems to be the hardest thing. And I assist a lot of my clients through that process. But if you ask people that have lost weight, they may tell you that it was harder to keep it off.

Sadly you hear that story often. An individual loses 20, 30 pounds only to gain it all back and then some. What happenned here? How can a person who had the discipline to lose the weight just gain it back?

They did not use a systme that was right for them. To borrow a term coined to our economy, it was not sustainable. I know someone who lost 70 lbs 2 years ago. He found a plan that worked for him and he is happy following it ti this day. Yes he cheats from time to time. But he gets right back on track.

Keeping the weight off is going to be hard if you don't use an approach that is not sustainable for you. Most crash diets fit into that category. Spend some time to find the right eating plan and do it for your health first. The rest will follow.

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