Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eating slow for weight loss

The defenition of eating is "Take into the mouth, chew and swallow". That means that most of us don't really eat. Because we tend to forget the chewing part. And I'm guilty of that. As a kid, we had races to see who could finish meals the fastest.

One thing is for sure, by chewing well, it will improve your digestion. And your body will be able to better absorb the nutrients in your food. Also, you'll probably eat less. It takes 20 minutes for your body to get the message that it is full. Thus by eating slower, you will get the feeling of fullness before you take in all the extra calories. Which will improve your chances of success for weight loss.

This is the purpose of eating a salad at the beginning of your meal. It is a low-caloric, slow-digestible food that takes place in your stomach. Leaving less space for higher caloric foods. And the message the message of fullness has time to get to your brain. About the salad, just don't use store bought salad dressings. They are full of sugar and other chemicals.

Another thing you can do to slow down your eating is to put your fok down while you chew. Believe me, it is harder thatn you think. And it is a great habit to have. A recent Japanese stude reported that fast eaters were more prone to diabetes and weight gain.

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